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Rafael Branco Xavier

Rafael Branco Xavier is a lawyer, with special expertise in contracts, civil liability and inheritance law.


Partner of the firm since 2014, he has been part of the team since 2010, developing research related to legal opinions and assisting in the conduct of arbitration proceedings. He also acts as an arbitrator. 


PhD student in Civil Law (USP). Master's Degree in Civil Law - USP (Consequential Contractual Damages: legal comparison, 2023), Bachelor in Law with academic honors from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (Funções da Boa-fé na Jurisprudência do STJ, 2013).


He is a member of the Institute of Culturalist Studies - IEC, an honorary member of the Brazilian Association of Arbitration Students - ABEARB, the Institute of Private Law (IDiP), and the Rio Grande do Sul's Coordinator of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr).


Click here for Rafael's main publications


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